The Tornjak originated from genetically homogeneous, almost extinct, indigenous shepherd dogs. These dogs have...
Hamsters are animals that love to explore, but sometimes they escape and finding them can be a headache.
Hamsters are animals that love to explore, but sometimes they escape and finding them can be a headache.
Rats like to be cuddled by people and have an amazing ability to learn. They are fascinating animals that even full-time workers and older children can keep. Caring for pet rats is relatively simple, but the time involved should not be underestimated, especially for beginners.
Whether it is a physical barrier in the environment or a psychological condition, assistance dogs are ready to help people overcome the limitations resulting from a disability. Anyone with a physical or psychological condition, which places a substantial limit on their lifestyle, can adopt an assistance dog.
The urine of animals can have many colours and some of them, although scary, do not have to indicate anything bad; different urinary problems and even in other parts of the body, dehydration and taking medication can cause a change in the colour of the urine of our animal, and some of them are clear warning signs that have to make us act. For these reasons it is very important to know what can be the causes of these changes in the urine, in this article we will see it.
If you are pregnant and have a feline at home, congratulations twice: congratulations on the new life that is on the way and congratulations on being lucky enough to share this experience with your kitten.
Rats are nicer and more friendly than people think (there is a lot of black legend about them, calling them dirty and pest carriers) and that makes them excellent pets for people with limited space who want a sociable and fun animal. Rats are super-intelligent, they are very friendly and each one develops its own personality. Unfortunately, though, rats have a relatively short life expectancy, and this is often because they tend to develop tumours.
The German Shepherd Dog (German: Deutscher Schäferhund), also known as the German Shepherd, is a medium to large German Shepherd Dog breed. The breed is relatively new, having originated in 1899.
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