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Supreme puppy food with free feeder.

Discover the Feed for small dogs by Reis d´Aranda at home or to travel with your pet as it includes a folding feeder as a gift. Complete and quality nutrition with 65% of Scottish salmon. Vitamins B12, B6, proteins and healthy fats for optimal development of joints, cartilage and skin. Take care of your puppy from the beginning.


EXPIRATION: 18 months

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Best feed for small dogs.

Introducing our Scottish salmon feed for small dogs by Reis d´Aranda. Specially formulated for puppies, it stands out for its exceptional composition and quality.

The "Natural puppy food" is ideal for small puppies. It contains 65% Scottish salmon, a source of protein and healthy fats for optimal development. No animal by-products or unnecessary cereals. Ideal food for small dogs.

Natural food for puppies.

The natural feed for puppies provides essential vitamins (B12 and B6) for the development of joints, cartilage and skin, it is a feed for puppies.

In Reis d'Aranda we care about the health of your pet. Our feed for puppies has high quality ingredients, selected for a balanced and nutritious diet. The feed for small dogs supports healthy growth.

Food for small dogs.

Trust Reis d'Aranda and choose our "Small dog food". Complete and quality nutrition. Your dog will enjoy a tasty and balanced diet. Discover the power of our Scottish salmon food is the perfect choice for your small pet! natural food for puppies

65% Salmon (35% Fresh Salmon, 22% Dehydrated Salmon, 5% Salmon Oil and 3% Salmon Broth), Sweet Potato, Beans, Beetroot, Omega 3 Supplement, Blend of Dehydrated Superfoods* (Including Dill, Spinach, Fennel, Asparagus and Tomato), Minerals, Fructooligosaccharides (FOS, 192mg/kg), Glucosamine (170mg/kg), MSM (170mg/kg), Chondroitin Sulfate (125 mg/kg), Mannanoligosaccharides (MOS 48mg/kg), Nucleotides, Olive Extract (0.01/)

*Each dehydrated ingredient is equivalent to 4% of fresh ingredients.

Crude Protein 33.5%, Crude Fat 15%, Crude Fiber 2.5%, Crude Ash 8%


Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, moisture and strong odors.

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Supreme puppy food with free feeder.

Discover the Feed for small dogs by Reis d´Aranda at home or to travel with your pet as it includes a folding feeder as a gift. Complete and quality nutrition with 65% of Scottish salmon. Vitamins B12, B6, proteins and healthy fats for optimal development of joints, cartilage and skin. Take care of your puppy from the beginning.


EXPIRATION: 18 months

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