1 Review(s) 

Healthy digestive snacks for dogs.

Take care of your pet's digestive health with foods formulated with essential nutrients and beneficial bacteria that promote a healthy intestinal transit. Trust our experience and quality. Your pet deserves the best. Healthy digestive snacks

FORMAT: 70gr.

SHELF LIFE: 18 months.

23 Items
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Digestive dog food.

We understand the importance of taking care of your pet's digestive health and providing him with the essential nutrients he needs. Our healthy dog food digestive formula is designed to promote healthy intestinal transit and promote beneficial bacteria in the intestine, essential for gastrointestinal health.

We know that a balanced digestive system is essential, especially for older dogs. Our Digestive Senior Dog Snacks contain quality ingredients that support healthy digestion. With our specialized formula, you take care of your pet's gastrointestinal health in the best way.

Healthy digestive snacks.

Choose our digestive senior dog snacks to ensure your pet's well-being. Our formula is designed to promote a healthy digestive system in senior dogs. With beneficial intestinal bacteria, your pet will enjoy better nutrient absorption and improved gastrointestinal health.

Trust our experience and dedication to pet care. We offer effective and safe solutions to maintain your senior dog's digestive health. Our specialized formula of digestive foods for dogs and provides the proper care for their overall well-being.

Digestive senior dog snacks.

Discover how our digestive dog food formula and digestive senior dog snacks can help your pet. Take care of their digestive system and promote their well-being with our specially formulated recipe. with healthy digestive snacks and your senior dog will thank you, with optimal gastrointestinal health and renewed vitality.

Fresh Prepared Duck40%, Fresh Prepared Chicken 24%. Sweet Potato 13%, Potato, Peas, Vegetable Protein. Minerals, Chicken Sauce 1%, Nucleotides 1%, Cellulose 1%, Omega 3 Supplement, Fructooligosaccharides (FOS 4,807 mg/kg), Beta Glucans, Mananooligosaccharides (MOS 1,201 mg/kg), Chamomile and Lavender.

Crude Protein 25%, Crude Fat 16%, Crude Fiber 4,5%, Crude Ash 7,5%.

Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, moisture and strong odors.

23 Items


Esther Marta G


Me lo recomendaron en lugar del típico FORTIFLORA porque tiene el mismo componente y no dudé en comprarlo porque esta marca es bastante buena, mi perra es delicada del estómago y le ayudó mucho, además de que se lo come sin pelear porque es como una golosina. 10/10

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    Healthy digestive snacks for dogs.

    Take care of your pet's digestive health with foods formulated with essential nutrients and beneficial bacteria that promote a healthy intestinal transit. Trust our experience and quality. Your pet deserves the best. Healthy digestive snacks

    FORMAT: 70gr.

    SHELF LIFE: 18 months.

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